
Little League Baseball is unlike any other youth sport in the world.  Known as “America’s Pastime,” the great game of baseball has become an international language.

Derby Little League is dedicated to teaching the principles of discipline and dedication through teamwork.  By instilling leadership and creating good citizens, Derby Little League is committed to the concept of teamwork, sportsmanship and fair play.

Derby Little League strives to adhere to the principles of sportsmanship set forth by Little League International.

In 1954, Peter J. McGovern, the late President of Little League Baseball, wrote the Little League Pledge.  McGovern decided to draft the pledge when he became aware that Little League programs in the United States were reciting the Pledge of Allegiance before games.  McGovern wanted all Little League programs worldwide to have a pledge that reflected some of the sentiments within the Pledge of Allegiance (minus the references to the United States), while adding elements of sportsmanship and the desire to excel.

The text of the Little League Pledge made its way to the desk of U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower on February 22, 1955.  As an avid supporter of Little League Baseball, President Eisenhower responded with a letter to McGovern.  The letter said, “Thank you for … sending me the inspiring and fine pledge that, I understand, will now be repeated at the start of the Little League Baseball games. I am always glad to hear the plans and activities of Little League.”

First published in Little Leaguer magazine in 1955, the text of the Little League Pledge has remained unchanged to this day.  Derby Little League is proud to have our players recite this pledge during Opening Day ceremonies each year:

I trust in God
I love my country
And will respect its laws
I will play fair
And strive to win
But win or lose
I will always do my best

The continued success of Derby Little League is determined by the leadership and atmosphere of wholesome community participation.  In a lot of ways, the game of baseball mirrors life itself.  Volunteerism will inspire and enrich today’s youth as they someday take their places in the world.

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2025 Online Registration

Become a Sponsor


Dear Little League Supporter:

For more than 60 years, Derby Little League has partnered with many different sponsors to help defray the costs that are incurred during the course of our baseball season. Beginning this year and moving forward we are forming a group of companies called the “Official Sponsors” of Derby Little League Baseball and would like you and/or your organization to be part of our commitment to instill hope and provide the opportunity for our youth to play the game of baseball. To help support our journey together, you may sponsor an individual team and/or buy some advertising signage space displayed prominently around our field.

The cost to sponsor an individual team each year costs $300. The sponsor name will be displayed on each shirt. Each sponsor of a team will also receive a team picture/plaque as our way of saying thanks for your assistance. Your company name will also be put on our web site. The fee to for a sign on our outfield fence costs $150 for the first year and $100 for two years after that to keep it posted annually. During the fourth year a new sign would have to be purchased for $150. If you have a specific logo or special font you want displayed, it can be customized to your liking. If you would like to do both a sponsorship and a sign it will cost you $400 this year and $350 the following two years.
If you’re interested in helping support our cause, it would be greatly appreciated. To sponsor a team, advertise by sign, or venture into doing both. Please respond to this letter at the address below {in the enclosed envelope} or the email below. You can also visit us at our web site. https://derbylittleleague.com/

Kenneth Marcucio
[email protected]
President, Derby Little League

Please send your check to Derby Little League:
Ken Marcucio
38 Chatfield St
Derby Ct 06418

We thank you in advance for your support and hope to see you at our Little League complex this year.



Volunteer Hall of Fame

(Click on the picture to view the profile)

Richard Uluski
Bill Uluski
Ray Chrzanowski
Ray Chrzanowski
Peter Olenoski, Sr
Peter Olenoski, Sr


John “Mo” Monahan


Joe Musante
Joe Musante


William Boland
William Boland


Lorie McCormack


Stephen Dripchak



Stephen Marcicio


Carroll Curtis